Saturday, January 08, 2005

No Shame in Hygiene

Instapundit links to this reason for the Sitzpinkler phenomenon.

Like every other man, I have seen a lot of wet bathroom floors, and it seems to me that people must be trying to miss in public restrooms, so they're not terribly representative I suppose, but the problem of urine ending up other places than in the bowl or urinal is universally bothersome. Being a sitzpinkler eliminates pretty much all of the problem issues, like missing, splashback, and mishandling the shake. I grew up with six sisters and was critiqued ruthlessly on my accuracy, and spent the first 7/8ths of my life maintaining that standard of performance, and now I'm tired of it, so I'm a sitzpinkler. I don't feel any less manly, but I sure have enjoyed not paying attention so closely. Gives me time to think about something interesting.

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