Saturday, October 30, 2004

Why I like the song I'm listening to right now

Texas, by Chris Rea. "Warm winds blowin, . . . deep blue sky . . . and a road that goes on forever . . . "

When I worked briefly in the music production business, the guy I worked for did some raves, of which I worked a few. Staying up all night with a bunch of drug-addled kids is one thing, but the light and laser shows, bass-heavy music and fake fog really kick your ass after about seven hours. The sound guys who worked all the raves would put "Texas" on at the end, around 7 or 8 a.m., and the kids would run out of there like vampires at sunrise. It meant the end of aural and ocular suffering, and the promise that breakfast and sleep were not far behind, and a pretty good song too. I think I'm always going to feel that way when I hear it, and that's all right with me.

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